A Norwegian family vacationing in La Palma faces chaos when a researcher discovers signs of an imminent volcanic eruption that could trigger a massive tsunami. All entries contain spoilers. Given some real-life examples, this could have been an intriguing tsunami story. Instead, we get manufactured drama on top of manufactured drama for no other reason than to irritate the viewer. The main protagonist family has been PURPOSEFULLY separated about 8 times. The first time was okay, the second maybe, but the rest of the times made no sense other than to create false tension. I really wanted the whole family to die, including the child because of their stupidity. Another stupidity, let’s sit here on the beach AFTER the tsunami starts. Let’s leave the safety of my family to run into danger to save someone who said “hi” to me yesterday. Let’s continue our vacation AFTER a plane crash caused by a volcano. Scientists, doctors, engineers, politicians, tourists were the dumbest people ever. I wish they were all dead… No need to waste time scrolling endlessly — here’s the full lineup of new movies and TV shows available on Netflix this month.